
Analyse the stats from DADA2 (called dada2_stats.tsv in the output directory) and evaluates at which step(s) or sample(s) the reads are loste.

usage: dadaist2-checkstats [-h] -i INPUT [-l LOSS] [--sample] [--all] [--keys KEYS] [--tmp TMP] [--log LOG] [--verbose]

Check DADA2 stats

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        DADA2 stats table
  -l LOSS, --loss LOSS  Warn when loss is above this value [default: 0.33]
  --sample              Also check sample by sample
  --all                 Report loss for all the steps
  --keys KEYS           Comma separated headers [default: input,filtered,denoised,merged,non-chimeric]
  --tmp TMP             Temporary directory

Other parameters:
  --log LOG             Log file
  --verbose             Verbose mode

Input file

The input file is a TSV file produced by DADA2 via Dadaist2:

Sample input filtered denoised merged non-chimeric
M0614DD2plus165 254245 225049 225049 35382 35114
M0614DD2plus45 296332 281027 281027 12126 12114
M0614DD3plus120 2879433 2706733 2706733 124381 123007


When running with default parameters, the output is a JSON file, that will report the steps where the loss is bigger than --loss FLOAT:


    "failed_steps": {
        "merged": 4.865372188100686

Adding --sample will also report the loss for each sample:

    "failed_steps": {
        "merged": 4.865372188100686
    "failed_by_sample": {
        "input": [],
        "filtered": [
        "denoised": [],
        "merged": [
        "non-chimeric": []